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Rj London High Temperature Silver Aerosol Spray Withstand 650°C Stop Rust
Rj London High Temperature Silver Aerosol Spray Withstand 650°C Stop Rust
Product Description

Made in Indonesia
Weight: 400cc per can
Color: Silver


  • Formulated for weather, corrosion and heat resistance up to 650°C
  • Used in stacks, mufflers, boilers, heaters, jet engines, heat exchangers and other high temperature equipment
  • The coated surface does not flake or peel even when exposed to very high temperature
  • Introducing the special 4-way spray head with 4-ways to press and spray out i.e. up, down, left right and forward pressing
  • CFC-free = Environment friendly, do not damage the ozone layers

Limited warranty:

  • This can is guaranteed to spray
  • As seller cannot control the application, they make no warranty or responsibility other than replacement of the product

#DHES #hardwarestore #hardware #hardwareshop #diyproject #homerenovation #interiordesign #homedecors #hellosingapore #renotalk #hardwarezone #supportlocalsg #supportlocalbusiness #RJLondon #PTERJELondonChemical #AntiRust #HighTemperatureStopRust #CFCFree

S$ 119.40
(exc. GST)
S$ 130.15
(inc. GST)
UnitsDiscountUnit Price
1-S$ 9.95
Lead time of 7 working days required.
Item will be ready to dispatch within the lead time specified.
MOQ of 12 EA
Bundle of 12 EA
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