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Cleanbee Waterless Hand Gel - 5L Plastic Bucket With Leakproof Lid
Cleanbee Waterless Hand Gel - 5L Plastic Bucket With Leakproof Lid
Product Description

Product Name: Waterless Hand Gel With Scrubbers.

Product SKU: BEE6606-5P

Available Packing: 5L Plastic Bucket with Leakproof Lid.

A heavy duty hand-cleaning gel formulated with unique scrubbers to remove all harmful acids, alkalis, abrasive, etc. Contains anti-bacteria agent to kill germs& bacteria. Contains super-fatting agent to replace the natural oil lost and prevents drying of skin.

√ Suitable for use in automotive workshops, ship repair yards, heavy industries etc. where working hands are offen expose to heavy grease, acids, abrasives etc.

√ Suitable for use where water is no easily accessible.

- Apply sufficient amount of hand gel onto palms.

- Rub both hands together covering all surfaces (including palms, back of hands, fingers & in-between).

- Clean and wipe off with cloth or paper.

- If desired, wash hands if water is available.

√ Safe – does not cause industrial dermatitis.

√ Antibacterial – keep hands bacteria free

√ Non-drying or irritating to skin – contain no harsh solvent or caustics.

√ Effective –gently removes grease, oil, grime from hands with a soft abrasive effect.

√ Biodegradable – safe to environment.

√ Ease of use – apply, scrub and wipe or rinse off

Storage: Store in cool dry place. Keep container closed when not in use.

Physical State: Gel

Colour: Translucent Grey

Solubility (% by wt): Miscible

Scent:Refreshing Citrus

- Harmful if swallowed.

- Contact with eye causes irritation.

S$ 25.93
(exc. GST)
S$ 28.26
(inc. GST)
UnitsDiscountUnit Price
1-S$ 25.93
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