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Western Instruments Basic Pit Gauge With Digital Indicator
Western Instruments Basic Pit Gauge With Digital Indicator
Product Description

There are over 15 different models of Dial Indicator Pit Depth Gauges, from the Basic Pit Gauge through to our advanced Bridging Pit Gauge Systems.

When equipped with either our Metric, Imperial, or Digital Indicators there are actually 35 models!

The Basic Pit Gauge, like all of our standard models, is supplied as a Kit.

These Kits consist of:

1) Dial Indicator (Metric or Imperial) or Digital Indicator (w#1 Contact Point)

2) Basic Blade

3) Wooden Storage Case

4) Allan Key (for adjustment),

5) Spare #2 Contact Point

6) Operator Instructions

7) The Calibration Certificate

The range of the indicators are; Metric 14mm x 0.01mm, Imperial 0.550” x 0.001” , and the Digital 14mm x in 0.01mm or 0.550” x 0.001” graduation.

All Indicators have an accuracy of 0.005mm and/or 0.0005

US $ 562.87
UnitsDiscountUnit Price
1-US $ 562.87
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