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Rs Pro 1789498 Cable Tie, Double Head Knot, 150mm X 3.6 Mm, Natural Pe, Pk-100 (1 Bag of 100)
Rs Pro 1789498 Cable Tie, Double Head Knot, 150mm X 3.6 Mm, Natural Pe, Pk-100 (1 Bag of 100)
RS Pro
Technical Data Sheets
Product Description

Rs Pro 1789498 Cable Tie, Double Head Knot, 150mm X 3.6 Mm, Natural Pe, Pk-100 (1 Bag of 100)

Used in a wide range of industries these releasable and reusable ties are ideal where temporary installation, or, the addition or removal of cables is required, e.g. Theatres, outdoor events or prototype harnessing work.

Easy to assemble without the need for a tool
Cable tie head always situated in defined position
Arrowhead simply locks into place
Supporting legs provide a secure and firm fixing in areas where space is limited
Press the tie into a pre-drilled hole and bind the cord by securing the tie.

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