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Toolkits & Tool Accessories
Socket Sets
Force 50121B-460 3-layer Socket Display Shelf With 460pcs Tools (1/4", 1/2" Socket Bits)
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Force 50121B-460 3-layer Socket Display Shelf With 460pcs Tools (1/4", 1/2" Socket Bits)
Product Description
Force 50121B-460 3-layer Socket Display Shelf With 460pcs Tools (1/4", 1/2" Socket Bits)
1/4'' & 1/2'' Sockets
Allen & Torx & Pline
460 pieces
10x 1/4'' Allen head socket 3mm
10x 1/4'' Allen head socket 4mm
10x 1/4'' Allen head socket 5mm
10x 1/4'' Allen head socket 6mm
10x 1/4'' Allen head socket 7mm
10x 1/4'' Allen head socket 8mm
10x 1/4'' Torx head socket T8
10x 1/4'' Torx head socket T10
10x 1/4'' Torx head socket T15
10x 1/4'' Torx head socket T20
10x 1/4'' Torx head socket T25
10x 1/4'' Torx head socket T27
10x 1/4'' Torx head socket T30
10x 1/4'' Torx head socket T40
10x 1/2'' Allen head socket 7mm
10x 1/2'' Allen head socket 8mm
10x 1/2'' Allen head socket 10mm
10x 1/2'' Allen head socket 12mm
10x 1/2'' Allen head socket 14mm
10x 1/2'' Allen head socket 17mm
10x 1/2'' Allen head socket 19mm
10x 1/2'' Allen pin socket long 6mm
10x 1/2'' Allen pin socket long 8mm
10x 1/2'' Allen pin socket long 10mm
9x 1/2'' Hex pin socket long 12mm
10x 1/2'' Torx head socket T45
10x 1/2'' Torx head socket T50
10x 1/2'' Torx head socket T55
10x 1/2'' Torx head socket T60
10x 1/2'' Torx head socket T70
10x 1/2'' Torx head socket T80
10x 1/2'' Torx pin socket long T40
9x 1/2'' Torx pin socket long T60
9x 1/2'' Torx pin socket long T70
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket M8
10x 1/2'' Multi-pronged pin socket M9
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket M10
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket M6
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket M8
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket M10
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket M12
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket M14
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket long M8
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket long M9
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket long M10
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket long M12
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket long M14
10x 1/2'' Multi-tooth pin socket long M18
10x 1/2'' polytooth with hole pin cap M16
10x 1/2'' Polytine with hole pin cap long M16
US $ 1,495.61
Unit Price
US $ 1,495.61
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