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Facom 118 Piece Engine and Airframe Tool Set CU.AE10
Facom 118 Piece Engine and Airframe Tool Set CU.AE10
Product Description

Facom 118 Piece Engine and Airframe Tool Set CU.AE10

Contents:- 10 sockets 3/16" - 9/16" 1 'radio' metal grip ratchet 1 hinged handle 1 sliding tee 1 each extension 100mm, 150mm 1 1/4" universal joint 1 coupler 1/4" - 3/8" 5 sockets 5/8" - 7/8" 6 sockets 1/4" - 9/16" 1 socket 11/32" 1 junior metal grip ratchet 1 metal grip speed brace 1 metal grip hinged handle 1 junior sliding tee 1 each junior extention 125mm, 250mm 1 3/8" universal joint 1 coupler 3/8" to 1/4" 10 junior long reach sockets 1/2" - 9/16" 17 combination wrenches 1/4" - 1-1/4" 13 open end wrenches in a roll 3/16" - 11/16" 8 piece hexagon key ring set 5 slotted 3x75, 4x100, 5.5x150, 6.5x150, 8x200mm 3 enduro screwdrivers Phillips No 1, 2, 3 1 stubby slotted screwdriver 1 stubby Phillips screwdriver No 2 1 non slip comfort grip multigrip plier 1 non slip comfort grip flat nose plier 1 non slip comfort grip half round nose telephone plier 1 non slip comfort grip piano wire diagonal cutter 1 locking wire plier 1 flexible stainless 2 sided rule 1 set feeler gauge 19 blades 1 vernier caliper 1/10mm 1 riveting hammer 1 plastic tip mallet 1 precision centre punch 1 precision chisel 7 long drift punches 2mm - 10mm 1 scriber 1 magnetic retriever 1 articulated mirror 1 pen light
Weight: 11.73kg 

Color : Set

Weight (KG): 11.730

US $ 2,307.67
UnitsDiscountUnit Price
1-US $ 2,307.67
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