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Search results for "actuator ended cordset"
Specification Tables
1 results
Actuator Cables
47 Items
Current Rating
4 A, 5 A, 3 A, 0.5 A, 2A
Voltage Rating
250 V ac/dc, 60 V, 60 V ac/dc, 125 V ac/dc, 30 V ac/dc
Sheath Colour
Turquoise, Purple, Teal, Green, Grey
500 mm, 20 m, 5 m, 200 mm, 300 mm
IP Rating
IP67, IP65, IP67, IP66K, IP67, IP65, IP66K, IP67, IP68, IP65, IP66K, IP67
900 results
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MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 70114 RKMW 3-338/5 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 2 A; Pur Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.14 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 11307 RKMW 3-06/5 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 11279 RKM 3-06/5 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 45349 RKMW 4-225/3 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 11463 RKWT 5-56/2 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 5-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 5-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 12016 RST 5-56/2 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Straight, 5-pin, A-coded, Orange Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 5-wires, 0.34 Mm²
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934636116 RSWT 5-56/2 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Angled, 5-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 5-wires, 0.34 Mm²
AU $
Lumberg Automation 98787 RSTN 4-225/1 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Orange Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 11285 RKM 4-07/5 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 4-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 6836 RSMWVK 3-338/2 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Angled, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 2 A; Pur Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.14 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 105658 RSMVK 3-338/2 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Straight, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 2 A; Pur Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.14 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 4258 RSMV 3-294/4 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Straight, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 7278 RKT 4-251/1,5 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Orange Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
AU $
Lumberg Automation 107977 RSWT 5-293/0,5 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Angled, 5-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 5-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 11313 RKMW 4-07/5 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 4-wires, 0.25 Mm²
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934636133 RSWT 3-224/2 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934637231 RKMV 4-265/5 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Grey Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 11437 RKWT 4-07/5 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 4-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 11349 RKT 4-07/5 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 4-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 16438 RKT 4-340/2 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pvc Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.50 Mm²
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MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934637036 RSMV 4-329/3 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 2 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.14 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 1357 RKMV 3-RKMWV 3-224/0,82 M Sensor/Actuator Double-Ended Cordset: Female Straight A-coded Translucent 3-pin M8 Standard Connector to Female Angled A-coded Translucent 3-pin M8 Standard Connector, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 43574 RKMW 3-224/5 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 38427 RKM 3-224/5 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 712 RKMV 4-500/2 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 51487 RKT 5-289/2 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 5-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Black Cable, 5-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 752 RKMWV 4-500/2 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 54446 RKMV 4-251/5 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Orange Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 48771 RKMWV 4-251/5 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Orange Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
AU $
Lumberg Automation 12112 RSWT 4-07/2 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 4-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 16413 RKMWV 3-942/5 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 78858 RKWT 4-288/2 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 11650 RSM 4-07/2 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 4-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 11646 RSM 3-06/2 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Straight, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934636035 RSMWV 4-07/5 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pvc Orange Cable, 4-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 5
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934841013 RKMV 5-507/2 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 5-pin, B-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 3 A; Pvc Black Cable, 5-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 5
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934842013 RKMWV 5-507/2 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 5-pin, B-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 3 A; Pvc Black Cable, 5-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934636538 RKMV 3-294/5 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 43597 RKWT 4-3-224/5 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 15730 RKT 4-3-224/5 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 60074 RKWTN 4-225/1 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 5605 RKMWV 3-294/5 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 5
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934841001 RKMV 5-671/2 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 5-pin, B-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Black Cable, 5-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934842001 RKMWV 5-671/2 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 5-pin, B-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Black Cable, 5-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934871013 RKM 5-507/2 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 5-pin, B-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 3 A; Pvc Black Cable, 5-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 5
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934884013 RKMW 5-507/2 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 5-pin, B-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 3 A; Pvc Black Cable, 5-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 5528 RKTS 4-288/0,3 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Shielded, Orange Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934636708 RKMWV 4-247/1,5 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 730 RKWT 4-500/2 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 5
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934884001 RKMW 5-671/2 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 5-pin, B-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Black Cable, 5-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934871001 RKM 5-671/2 M M8 Snap-In Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 5-pin, B-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pvc Black Cable, 5-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 699 RKT 4-500/2 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 934636826 RKMV 4-96/5 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pvc Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.25 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 58107 RKWT 4-3-294/5 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pvc Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 44064 RKMWV/LED A 3-224/1 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Angled, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 10-30 V Dc, 4 A, With 2xLEDs (pnp); Pur Black Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 57796 RKMV 3-260/5 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, Straight, 3-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Orange Cable, 3-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 704 RSMV 4-500/2 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 745 RSMWV 4-500/2 M M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Angled, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 30 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 11890 RST 5-228/2 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Straight, 5-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 5-wires, 0.50 Mm²
MOQ: 10
AU $
Lumberg Automation 693 RST 4-500/2 M M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, Straight, 4-pin, A-coded, Translucent Body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; Pur Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²