Spray surfaces liberally with Magna NDT FD Cleaner and wipe off by means of a clean cloth.
Penetrant Remover
Removes surface penetrant by moistening a lint free cloth with Magna NDT FD Cleaner and wiping it over the inspection area. Do not spray Magna NDT FD Cleaner directly on the inspection area as this will impair sensitivity.
Magna NDT FD Cleaner/ Remover, is a clear colourless non-flammable
solvent. It is used as a pre-cleaner, a post cleaner and a penetrant remover.
Magna NDT FD Cleaner/Remover can eliminate industrial fires. It is both
economical and gives excellent performance.
AU $ 13.41
Unit Price
1 ~ 11
AU $ 13.41
3% OFF
AU $ 13.01
Lead time of 1 working days required.
Item will be ready to dispatch within the lead time specified.