Product description
Selection of lighting type (Tungsten, Fluorescent, Sodium or Mercury), Large LCD display with bargraph and indicator, LSI circuit provides high reliability and durability, Tungsten, Fluorescent, Sodium, Mercury lamp, External adjustment by pushing button, To hold the peak display., RS232 cable, UPCB-02, Hard carryingt case, CA--06Soft carryingt case, CA--05A. Max. 80% RH.Memory function to display the max. & min. display value with Recall
Measuring Parameters: Lux, Foot-candle; Lighting Type Selection: Tungsten, Fluorescent, Sodium, Mercury lamp.
- 5 Lux Ranges: 1. 40.00 Lux ;Resolution: 0.01 Lux | 2. 400.0 Lux; Resolution: 0.1 Lux | 3. 4,000 Lux; Reolution: 1 Lux| 4. 40,000 Lux; Resolution: 10 Lux | 5. 400,000 Lux; Resolution: 100 Lux
- Display: Large LCD display with bargraph and Indicator | Sensor used the exclusive photo diode & color correction filter, spectrum meet C.I.E. photopic.| Separate Light Sensor allows user to measure the light at an optimum position
- Water resistance front panel | LSI circuit provides high reliability and durability| Zero adjusting button| Data hold to freeze the desired reading.| Peak hold measurement.
- RS-232 computer serial data output.| Accessories Included: Instruction Manual, Meter, Light Sensor with protection cover | Applications: School, Labs, Office, Stadium,Theatres.